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The Little Sisters of the Holy Family
Our missions
Service commitments made by our foundress
Mother Marie-Léonie
1874 - 1912
Service commitments made by our General Superiors
Sister Sainte-Gertrude-du-Sacré-Coeur
1912 - 1922
Sister Saint-Paul-de-Rome
1945 - 1957
Sister Bernadette Quévillon
1981 - 1993
Sister Sainte-Dorothée
1922 - 1933
Sister Sainte-Adèle
1933 - 1945
Sister Sainte-Jeanne-Françoise
1957 - 1969
Sister Juliette Saint-Pierre
1969 - 1981
Sister Jeannine Ferland
1993 - 2003
Sister Denise Pomerleau
2003 - 2023
Sister María Julia Corea Murillo
2023 - [...]
Following the example of Jesus the servant, consecrated and sent into the world, we are chosen to continue his mission and make him the most important person of our live.
(Constitutions and Rules 2009, # 5)
Institutions where we worked during our foundress time
Mère Marie-Léonie
Institutions where we worked after the death of our foundress
Service commitments made by
Mother Sainte-Gertrude-du-Sacré-Coeur (Eugénie Béliveau) and her General Council
Service commitments made by Mother
Sainte-Dorothée (Anna Morneau) and her General Council
Service commitments made by Mother Sainte-Adèle (Marie-Anne Coutu) and her General Council