The Little Sisters of the Holy Family

View of the Little Sisters of the Holy Family
on their patron saints
"We see in Jesus, Mary and Joseph, a family gathered to live out God's plan; as an Institute, we too are a family gathered to live out God's plan."
Excerpt from a retreat preached in 2010 by Sister Denise Pomerleau, Superior General
The witness of the Holy Family in Nazareth leads us to constantly renew our quality of being. It inspires us to choose a life:

of piety
of obedience
of praise
of prayer
of service
of simplicity
of wonder
of poverty
of love
of work
a life of faith
It is not a matter of imitating exactly what Jesus, Mary and Joseph did and lived, but of being inspired by their attitudes, their love of God and neighbor, their way of responding to the Lord's call. Thus, each Little Sister who bears the name of the Holy Family will let herself be guided in her own way by these three persons.
What do our Sisters say?
"The Holy Family is a perfect model of a total gift of peace, joy, love and mercy."
"It inspires me to contemplation, harmony and joyful service for the glory of God."
"It's a model of confidence, perseverance and simplicity."

"Mary and Joseph teach us how to prepare our hearts to welcome Jesus."
"For me, the Holy Family is faith, charity and hope, abandonment to the will of God."
"The Holy Family perfectly represents the three vows of religious life: poverty, chastity, obedience."

"Jesus is light and salvation. He is the source of my hope."
"He is a brother, a confidant, a faithful friend who brings people together."
"The Son of God accepted to become incarnate to make himself close to humans, to proclaim the Good News. Like him, I can evangelize in my own way."

"For me, Mary is docility to the call of God, tenderness and gift of self."
"As a mother, the Blessed Virgin is a guide and an aide for all her children."
"The Mother of God intercedes for us before
the Lord. I invoke her when
I am going through
a trial and need

"Saint Joseph inspires
me to be patient,
available, obedient
and discreet."
"Joseph showed us to welcome events with faith, even in doubt or misunderstanding."
"His role as a father, protector and
worker gives me
confidence in his caring."
What do the laity say?

Since the beginning of our history, we, the Little Sisters of the Holy Family, have had a sincere love for Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Our ideal is to integrate the values given to us by these three holy persons and to apply them in our daily lives.
Our models are a reference in the Church, but are they still a reference in the secular world?